Training in prevention of disability derived from the disease of Leprosy through physical rehabilitation.
Training of social worker and participants in disability prevention through rehabilitation exercises focused on the upper and lower extremities and facial exercises.
Training in the manufacture of required materials for rehabilitation from recycling.
Training in self-care: The importance of hygiene and hydration in the prevention of ulcers.
Training of the district representatives of the providence of Cabo Delgado in prevention of physical disability.
Creation and management of socio-labour workshops to promote social inclusion and the de-esteem generated by Leprosy.
Training and start-up of the sewing workshop.
Training and start-up of the ‘’Ecological inks’’ workshop.
Creation of the pottery workshop.
Alemo social worker training.
Training in Social Skills.
Training in Psychosocial Care.
Training in Social Intervention.
Training in rehabilitation and self-care.
Improvement of self-concept and self-esteem.
Prevention of physical disability.
Creation of rehabilitations and self-care habits.
Socio-labour inclusion.
Improvement of the mood to reduce depressive states.
Training in organisation and self-management of the different socio-labour workshops.