The O.C.A consists of workers, partners and collaborators who, coordinated horizontally, identify, self-finance and carry out our projects.
The majority of these projects consist of the transmission and exchange of knowledge and the training of skills for the improvement of the autonomy, independence, social and family inclusion of people with functional diversity and their families, as well as of the different collectives of people at risk of exclusion with whom we work.
In a transversal way we work the visualisation of these collectives as the fight against the social stigma that they live, as well as we work an anti-capitalist awareness where we support the self-finance, non-dependency and the start-up of a cooperation system based on the collaboration of both parties, as equals, fighting and looking for alternatives to charitable work, which we identify as one of the factors that perpetuate and consolidate poverty.
The O.C.A has no intention to settle permanently in any country, but on the contrary, its projects have a beginning and an end, once the objectives are achieved, the intervention is considered finished. One of the main reasons for this behaviour is not to create interdependencies.
In this way, we work in collaboration with other non-profit entities that are permanently in the areas in which we are going to intervene and that share a strategic line of fight against poverty.
Both organisations invest a line of work that is based on mutual support, promoting the possible benefits, minimising the economic and technical costs and the possible negative aspects that may appear during the execution, as well as in the follow-up of our projects.
Nowadays we have collaborated with:
Khanimambo Foundation, in Praia de Xai Xai, Mozambique, in the shipment of a container with sanitary material and support for mobility (2015)
Semillas de Esperanza Foundation, in Pemba, Mozambique, with the realisation of our projects (2017/2018).
Actualmente hemos colaborado con:
Fundación Khanimambo , en Praia de Xai Xai, Mozambique, en el envío de un contenedor con material sanitario y de apoyo a la movilidad (2015).
Fundación Semillas de Esperanza, en Pemba, Mozambique, con la realización de nuestros proyectos. (2017/2018)