Enrique Coronel Cortés.
Technician in Attention to people in situation of dependency.
Currently studying Advanced Vocational Training in Social Integration.
Postgraduate degree in international cooperation and international immigration at the School of Cooperation and Immigration Professionals (EPIC).
Postgraduate degree in International Cooperation at the Complutense University of Madrid, 2013.
Course on Development Cooperation in the field in the Dominican Republic. 2010.
Professional Course on Autism taught by Pauta Association of Madrid.
He worked at the Pauta Association, Madrid.
His work has always been dedicated to people at risk of social exclusion: people with functional diversity, unaccompanied migrant minors or LGTB+ people who were involved in sex work.

Alba Ripoll Niño.
Graduated in Advanced Vocational Training in Social Integration in 2014 by the IES Batalla de Clavijo, Logroño.
Currently Studying Psychology at UNED (Spanish Distance University).
She works for people with functional diversity since 2003, in Fundació Pere Mitjans, Fundamipf.
Currently working at ARPA Autism La Rioja.
Formed in behaviour disorders and disruptive behaviours.
Performs different courses of specialisation in communication (PEC’s and A2 level in Spanish Sign Language).
Member of La Tavaya, an association that develops training, awareness-raising and denounce actions on the situation of children and young people, working to improve the situation of people at risk of social exclusion.

Diego Jaén Guijorro.
Es el encargado del área de salud, terminó los estudios de Naturopatía en 2017 y de Medicina Tradicional China en 2018.
Ha profundizado en sus estudios de Acupuntura formándose en diferentes técnicas, como Craneopuntura de Yamamoto, Equilibrio global del Doctor Tan, Acupuntura Umbilical Taoísta, el Método Manaka y Acupuntura en animales.
En 2019-2020, colaboró en proyecto Natura.can, un refugio de perrxs en Venezuela, donde realizo acupuntura a los animales y dio formaciones al personal del refugio.
En la actualidad tiene su consulta de Acupuntura en Durango, Bizkaia.